Karin Kihlberg and Reuben Henry
Consequence of Retrospect

7 May - 4 June 2012
Taking a selection of video artworks from the last seven years of collective practice the exhibition Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry : Consequence of retrospect; draws together a series of artworks that use cinematic devices, forms and structures as departure points for exploring relationships between the viewer and the (moving) image.
Specifically, in each piece of work in the exhibition, one or more crucial cinematic device is missing, replaced, or used within an unfamiliar context. With cinematic reality and imagination somewhat undone, the structure is laid bare, reminding us that the seductive power of cinema is reliant on the complete collaboration of all of its devices.
By their nature these works are consequences of retrospective activity, edited and arranged after the fact, to form some coherent or intentionally incoherent sense in relation to familiar modes and forms of films.
It is within this seductive language that a number of different themes are smuggled; the reliability of documentary video, the intimidating power of high culture, the behavioural science of meeting new people and the condition of the film in the memory of the viewer, to name a few.
In all of these subjects lies a questioning of the formal and social norms of viewership, and what is expected both of the viewer and producer.
The exhibition Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry : Consequence of retrospect will be the first solo exhibition to use all three public spaces in the building.
Karin Kihlberg & Reuben Henry have been collaborating since 2004. They live and work in London - Recent Exhibitions include: Artsway, Apeirophobia, Sway, New Forest, UK - ASPEX Gallery, Portsmouth, UK- Galleri BOX, Gothenburg, SE, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, Abandon in Place, London, UK - VIVID, Inbindable Volume, Birmingham, UK