Mark McGowan: Where's Daddy's Pig?

7 June - 3 August
"This guy has the right attitude why don't the rest of us? What's really stopping us.."
"This guy is a LEGEND!!!!!!!"
Dean Shorrocks
"he sead he wud do the pig push and he did it and that seem to sey a lot . ask youself wud you push a pig on your hands and knees with your noze . respect and well done artist taxi driver "
"I'd also like the Police to explain under which laws they felt they had the right to refuse the toy pig into DowningStreet…"
"Mark...Im sixty eight...and you have made me feel proud...there are people out there that REALLY DO CARE. Well done once agian mate...your a star in my book?"
"Poignant and piss funny all rolled in to one. Brilliant."
"Mark u legend! Lol"
Selected comments from the youtube video of "The artist taxi at number 10 #wheresdaddyspig"
A solo exhibition by the Mark McGowan. Featuring documentation of the performance 'Where's Daddy's Pig', performed on 24th April for Trade.
For this performance Mark McGowan crawled along the road on his hands and knees pushing a toy pig on wheels the 4.1 miles from Kings College Hospital in Camberwell Green to number 10 Downing Street, in protest against the privatisation of the NHS. Kings College Hospital is where he is receiving treatment for recently diagnosed Bowel Cancer. Cheered on by a large crowd mark finally delivered his letter to "David Cameron and His Government"
Mark is preparing for the second leg on the 22nd of May.
The exhibition will also include selected new videos and videos from McGowans +1500 youtube videos.
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