This Is The Point
7 June 2012
Selected by Katy Woods / Eastside Projects 'This is the Point' is a selection of films by artists including An Endless Supply, Anne Guest, Michael Lightborne, Joanne Masding, Josephine Reichart, Ben Sadler, Adam Smythe and Grace Williams.
An Endless Supply - The Most Cool Books 2011, 8' 11"
Jo Masding Stool 1906 (basement) 2011, 8" (1 rotation)
Ben Sadler - To the Stars 2004, 3' 17"
Jo Masding - Stool 1906 (bathroom) 2011, 5" (1 rotation)
Jo Masding - Stool 1906 (living room) 2011, 4" (1 rotation)
Grace Williams - Spiritual Ectoplasm 2011 ,Hand tinted film, 1' 10"
Jo Masding - Stool 1906 (my bedroom) 2011, 5" (1 rotation)
Adam Smythe - This is the Point 2010, 31"
Jo Masding - Stool 1906 (Sarah's bedroom) 2011, 6" (1 rotation)
Josephine Reichert - Voice Over Nothing 2 2011, 2' 36"
Jo Masding - Stool 1906 (tower) 2011, 3" (1 rotation)
Anne Guest - re:produce 2011, 2'13"
Jo Masding - Irish Sea 2 2011, 13" (1 wave)
Michael Lightborne - Cinema is Rubbish 2011,
Single channel version, HD, 9'
Grace Williams - Untitled 2010, 8"
Anne Guest - Dog Eat Dog 2007, 36"
Grace Williams - Untitled 2010, 15"
Ben Sadler - More Than This 2004, 3' 38"
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